Production Team

Production Team Roles


The Director is responsible for the main vision of the production - the way that the script will be interpreted, the relationships between the characters, the feel of the play in general. 
The Director must communicate this vision to the rest of the team, including the Actors, the Technical Crew, the Costume Department, and so on, in order to achieve a coherent production.
The Director can also have an Assistant Director. As the title suggests, this person will help the Director, and sometimes could also do some of the directing.

Stage Manager & Backstage Hands

The Stage Manager is responsible for all that happens on stage during the performance. This person would usually have a number of Backstage Hands or helpers that he/she co-ordinates. 
The role of the Stage Manager and of the Backstage helpers is very important as they are in charge of the curtain, sets, props, cueing lights and sound (i.e. telling the Technical Crew when the dancers or singers are ready to start, for example), making sure the actors are ready in place, and so on.

Front of House Manager

The Front of House Manager is responsible for the audience side of the theatre. They take care that the audience are seated,  see that all is well at the box office, co-ordinates ushers, and communicates with the Director and Stage Manager.

PR - Public Relations Co-ordinator

A PR co-ordinator is in charge of the advertising and communications with the public. A PR might look after the facebook page of a production, make sure that posters are distributed and put up, check what is written about the play and be a spokesperson.


The person in charge of Wardrobe is in charge of the costumes and makes sure that everyone is looking good and has their costume and accessories in order. In a big production there will be a Manager co-ordinating a number of Assistants. The Wardrobe Team would also need to make sure that any costume changes are in their place and help the actor change quickly.

Hair & Make-up

Hair and Make-up teams are in charge of the hair and make-up of the actors, helping them before the start of the performance, and being at hand for a quick touch-up during the show.


The Props Manager is in charge of all the props, and has to make sure that they are all in in specific places during the play. 
The Props Manager would also have to find the props needed for a play, by, for example, borrowing, hiring or buying them, always within the limits of the production's budget. Sometimes a Props Manager might also employ a team of people to make the props.

Technical Crew

The Technical Crew includes the Lights and Sound Managers. While technicians might be handling the actual consoles, the Lights and Sound Managers are in charge of the lights and sound throughout the show, cueing the technicians, keeping them informed if some equipment such as mics are not working, or if the sound is too loud or too low, helping actors wear their head microphones, and so on.

1 comment:

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